Changing the Facebook “tr” endpoint to send Facebook Events to another URL (GTM Server-Side – Conversion API)

As a caveat this is an **unofficial** way of achieving this as of this article’s writing… The question is why would you even want to change where events are sent to in the first place? For certain Server-Side implementations (e.g. GTM Server-Side implementations with the Facebook Conversion API) there is a need to send your […]

How to future-proof your Facebook marketing against the latest news feed changes (Jan 2018) with the pixel and other optimizations

When it comes to Facebook Marketing as well in life, there are things we can and cannot control. This article will go into a few technical aspects on how to future-proof your Facebook marketing efforts. The following tips are ideas to consider to ensure your technical Facebook marketing fundamentals are strong to help weather any […]

What are the SubscribedButtonClick and MicroData events and can/should I disable this?

In mid-May 2017, the Facebook Pixel started to automatically send button click (SubscribedButtonClick) and metadata (MicroData) tracking events. This is a feature called Auto-Config where: The Facebook pixel will send button click and page metadata (such as data structured according to Opengraph or formats) from your website to improve your ads delivery and measurement […]